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Wind Energy Industry Technician Equipment and Safety Gear
Wind energy facilities and renewables are now contributing as much as 10 percent of power produced, which is explosive growth over the past decade. At GME Supply we pride ourselves on staying current with industry trends. Our Gear Experts® make a difference by helping keep hard working wind techs safe and productive while on the job. In the field, and on the tower, windpower techs need gear to to keep them safe and ready for the climb. Whether you are looking for bags and/or buckets, harnesses, helmets, headlamps, gloves, safety glasses, fall protection, rescue equipment, torque wrenches, or tools, we’ve got you covered.
Wind Turbine maintenance and construction equipment can be divided into two broad categories: Tools and Safety Equipment. The tools help you complete the job, and safety equipment is the gear that keeps you safe while working. The fall protection roots of GME position us to uniquely meet the needs of the wind industry. What kind of equipment you use can range depending on your unique job. Below we have outlined some of the most common equipment you may need.
When choosing your helmet for the Wind Industry you should consider a range of factors. The best helmet choices will include helmets that are designed for working in vertical positions that feature a four-point chin strap. Other features to look for are electrical insulation, adjustable inserts, sweatbands, and ear muff slots.
A headlamp is important because there are many areas within a wind turbine where there is insufficient light. Working in low visibility areas without a handlamp can create a unsafe and inefficient work environment. When picking out a headlamp some features to look for should include: battery life, waterproofing, adjustable beam settings, and power options (rechargeable vs. disposable batteries, etc.)
Safety Glasses:
When picking out safety glasses some of the factors that you should consider include impact grade, clear vision, 180-degree viewing area, adjustable fit, friction adjustment, and built-in side shields.
A lanyard is an important part of your lifeline. It will be worn anytime there is a risk of a fall. The length and style of your lanyard will be dependent on the job to be done, but the basic function of each is the same: In the event of a fall, the lanyard will stretch to a predetermined length to slow your fall and absorb some of the shock your body experiences.
Cable Grab:
Your cable grab is the second component of your fall protection rig. It should be attached to a rigid anchorage line (like a safe climb ladder system) to secure you while moving up or down on the wind turbine. GME Supply offers a range of different cable grab options to suit your needs. If you need help finding the right cable grab for the job, please contact one of our Gear Experts®.
High-Visibility (Hi-Viz) Safety Vest:
There are many low visibility areas inside of a wind turbine. Not to mention, mother nature doesn’t make every day sunny. Having a hi-viz safety vest ensures that you can be seen in low light conditions. Some of the features to look for when picking your vest include reflective tape, velcro or snap fastening, waterproof fabric, and thermal lining.
Your harness is the focal point of your gear. Your harness should be comfortable, yet secure and allow fluid movement. Some features to look for would be reinforced seams, quick-connect buckles, webbing, and weatherproofing.
Positioning Lanyard:
Your positioning lanyard will help secure you to an item (often a ladder) so that you can have some additional room to use your hands and work on the turbine. Having two positioning lanyards is recommended for versatility.
At GME Supply, we make every effort to provide the very best quality equipment, but it is designed to be used only by trained workers. It is the employer's responsibility to provide employees with BOTH the proper equipment and sufficient training to wear and use the equipment safely. Click here to learn more about our training programs.
If you have any questions about the proper use of our complete line of wind industry equipment and safety gear or need help finding any equipment, please feel free to check in with one of our Gear Experts®.